This will be a short note as we head to Spain later on today & I still have a ton to do. I really miss online shopping. I was an avid online shopper and bought both "normal" things (books, clothes and shoes) & some slightly less normal things (cases of dog food, my favorite beverage - Izze Sparkling Juice! - and laundry detergent) online. It was nice to order something and have it turn up on your doorstep just a few days later. Like Christmas all year round. Online shopping always seemed like a small, albeit convenient service, now that it is gone, I realize what a luxury it was.
Here in Argentina the mail system is not very reliable, so there is no real form of online ordering with the exce

ption of photos, for which there is a decent snapfish-esc website. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will order lots of things online to be delivered every time I go back to the US and of course whenever anyone comes down to visit us.
On the bright side, the lack of "push button spending" has helped us: 1) spend less money and 2) keep the clutter to a minimum at the house in La Plata. We were shocked at the amount of items we sold at our pre-move garage sale that were both purchased online and never used. I think there is a lesson there, I'll leave it to you to figure it out for yourself.
I love to shop. It is an addiction to me. So, being unemployed is killing me. But to go cold turkey like you have, AAAAA, Don't think I could do it!