Today has been a day of highs and lows for the family and for Drew & I. We have been welcomed into

Our great friends, Gaston & Sophie Borrazas welcomed their new son Andrés Mateo into the world today at 130PM! He is a beautiful boy and both Gas & Sophie are thrilled, happy & healthy. Around the time that Sophie was starting her contractions, our best friends here Haydee & Enrique were going through a scary episode requiring a trip to the emergency room and Enrique having an ulcer removed this morning. He is doing great now and we were able to see both baby Andres & Enrique in one full swoop as they are in rooms just down the hall from one another.
To see evidence of how fragile life is in two completely opposite ways was at the same time both invigorating and unsettling. I am so glad that Enrique is going to be 100% in a ve
So I am slightly numb, but overall in good spirits because everything worked out well for everyone and promise to write about some interesting Argentina topics tomorrow.
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