I am totally stealing this from my friend Jamie's blog (shout out to Jamie Heyl!) but on Friday's I'll post a (semi) old photo of us and hopefully the photo will spurn a good blog topic. This photo was taken just after we got engaged.
I literally mean
JUST - Drew had gotten down on one knee, I said yes & this photo was snapped. We got engaged on the anniversary of our first date - Nov 13th. We also got married on the same date 2 years later. We had been talking about getting married for a while and were living together at the time. We wanted to have a celebration and invite my family out to Chicago and figured what the heck! Everyone's coming in town, let's go ahead & get engaged too.
So many great people were there and just about every person there is still in our life today. I'll give special mention to my BFF Ellie who has been my BFF since I was 13 years old, my college roommate Tia & our ever present Michigan crew - Josh, Todd, Tyler & Chad. Ellie, Todd & Tia were all in our wedding and made the trip down to Jamaica for the festivities.
It was not a surprise to me that Drew was going to pop the question. We're just not that kind of couple - or maybe I'm just not that kind of woman? Some people thought it was weird that Drew didn't surprise me or whatever, but honestly if you're REALLY surprised by a proposal, perhaps that dude shouldn't be proposing!
I find it hard to believe this was 10 years ago, time has really flown. Since that night we have:
- Lived in 4 cities (Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia & now La Plata)
- Had 11 jobs (no one - especially me wants me to site all of them)
- Been to Jamaica 9 times (next visit coming our way in May 2010)
- Added 6 nieces (all nieces!) to our family (Ciarah, Faith, Brianna, Zoe, Ashley & baby Rachel)
- Gained two awesome dogs
I'm excited to see what the next 10 years holds for us. Hell, I'm excited to see what the next 10 MONTHS holds for us - but I pretty sure it will be fun.