Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What I Miss Wednesdays

Well people - I'm BACK at home in La Plata. We had a wonderful time in Europe, Spain was glorious and Macedonia was a beautiful gem of a country. Ohrid was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen & I had a thrilling birthday exploring the countryside with my taxi driver/tour guide Zoran. We eventually ended up at his home where his lovely wife made a 5-course traditional Macedonian meal for me. That said, we were aching for Argentina towards the end of the trip, we missed our house, the dogs, the food, our friends. It was nice to see how connected we have become to our new home in such a short amount of time.

But since this is Wednesday, I am supposed to talk about the things I miss about the U.S. not Argentina. One of the things I miss most is No Kidding! For those of you who don't know No Kidding! is an international social club for adult couples and singles who have never had children. (

We joined the Philadelphia/South Jersey chapter about 3 years ago and have had the best time meeting, getting to know and hanging out with our fellow chapter members. They really became our family in Philadelphia and we spent a ton of time with all of them both at official No Kidding events and then outside the constraints of the group in less formal settings. It's been hard seeing on facebook all the events that are going on with out us there - the annual wine & cheese party, spa days, dinners, brunches and scavenger hunts. And that's just the "official" events!

There is not a No Kidding chapter here in Argentina and I doubt one could survive. This is a very family and thus children minded country. Everyone I know here who is married has a kid, the different statuses seem to be, single or married with children. Married w/out children just doesn't exist. I fear it's something in the water and soon Drew will come home talking about wanting to further his family line or something...

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